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James Zubrow PG
President & Principal Hydrogeologist
With over 30 years of practical and field experience, Mr. Zubrow manages projects ranging from field investigations and Phase 2 environmental assessments, to multi-PRP site remediation and redevelopment programs. With specific expertise in hydrogeological impacted properties along waterways and public water supplies, Jim has managed projects under RCRA, CERCLA, and state regulatory programs.
Alan Briggs, P.E.
Lead Civil Engineer & Senior Technical Manager
Mr. Briggs' expertise in utilizing the latest in geosynthetics for closure of landfills and impoundments led to the development of a patent- pending solution for the management of Coal Combustion Residues (CCR). The Sustainable Habitat approach to the closure of coal ash properties has provided a cost effective and ecologically friendly system that is well received both by the owners as well as the environmental advocacy groups. Mr. Briggs has over 35 years of experience in the remedial construction field.
Jacob Bourdeau, P.E.
Senior Project Manager
Mr. Bourdeau leads KEY’s practice for site redevelopment along the East Coast. Projects he has managed include the largest waterway redevelopment site in the Greater New York City area. He has also managed projects at MGP facilities, chromium impacted sites, wood treating, coke and coal tar, and chemical sites. Mr. Bourdeau’s projects have been administered under CERCLA, RCRA, State Brownfields, and Voluntary Action programs.
Robert Mertz, P.E.
Senior Project Manager
Mr. Mertz has extensive experience in civil and environmental engineering. He was involved in and/or prepared project planning documents, basis of design and design analysis reports, permit applications, construction drawings, technical specifications, bid procurement packages, and construction quality assurance/quality control (CQA/QC) plans. Recent experience includes projects in Ohio and New Jersey for closure of CCR ash piles and ponds and remediation of CERCLA sites using low permeability and geomembrane caps and vertical containment barriers (SB slurry wall).
Christine Zubrow, P.E.
Project Engineer
Ms. Zubrow provides design for water and waste water, hydrology, hydraulics, civil and geosynthetic design, as well as construction management, erosion and sedimentation controls, and quality assurance. Ms Zubrow also provides wetlands assessment and delineation services. Her clients have included the oil and gas, chemicals, wood treating, and utilities industries.
Angela Anderson, P.E.
Project Engineer I
Ms. Anderson has six years of experience in a broad range of civil design and environmental remediation projects. In 2013 she graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a B.S. in Civil Engineering. After accumulating work experience in research and environmental remediation techniques she joined the KEY team in 2014. Ms. Anderson has participated in various designs involving field investigation, construction oversight, land development, environmental treatment, geotechnical evaluation, and hydrologic evaluation.
Jesse Carse C.P.A.
Mr. Carse provides the financial and accounting oversight for KEY and its affiliate companies FTS, FTSCO and RPG. With degrees from Duquesne University, this lifelong Pittsburgh resident has been instrumental in overseeing the administrative functions of KEY.
Murielle Ting
Senior Engineer
Ms. Ting is a Senior Engineer with an extensive background in environmental consulting. Murielle has administered numerous projects under CERCLA, RCRA, and various state programs. Her experience includes the management of operation & maintenance activities and groundwater monitoring programs. Murielle holds a MBA (Robert Morris University), a MS in Civil Engineering (Iowa State University), a MS in Forestry (Iowa State University), and a MS in Agricultural Engineering (Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle, France).
Yajie Guo
Project Engineer II
Ms. Guo comes to KEY after graduating from Carnegie Mellon University with a Master’s Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Her expertise include remedial design, land development, geotechnical / slope stability analyses and construction oversight. During her tenure at KEY she has worked on various projects, including CCR unit closures, slurry wall design, river sediment removal and reconstruction, residual waste landfill closure, brownfield redevelopment, propane storage/power generating station degassing and water treatment process improvement, oil and gas well pad design, etc.
Luke Zou
Project Engineer I
Mr. Zou is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University, receiving his Master’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering. He has four years of experience working on projects that include land development, oil & gas well site design/permitting and remediation, providing support in the pre- and post- construction stormwater modeling and erosion & sediment control design.
Kelly Florczak
Staff Scientist
Ms. Florczak has a Bachelors Degree in Geology from Rider University and has over five years of varied environmental consulting experience. She has supported several LSRP run projects in NJ, including report and plan preparation. She has also run projects for the installation of monitoring wells along with well abandonment . Her projects have included Suprerfund sites, landfills, wetlands, and treatment facilities.
James Pattock
Staff Engineer
Mr. Pattock is a recent graduate from The Pennsylvania State University and grew up in Plum Borough. Since arriving Mr. Pattock has preformed data evaluations, prepared profiles for slope stability analyses, and cap grading for a CCR closure.
Pete Sawchuck
Managing Partner & Civil Engineer
Mr. Sawchuck has managed some of the largest (in size and cost) property redevelopment projects located in the Metropolitan New York area and New England. These sites require him to deal with multiple stakeholders and regulatory agencies in providing our clients the direction, engineering, and regulatory options to best manage the development of the formerly impacted sites. Mr. Sawchuck has over 35 years experience involved in compliance, investigation, design, and permitting of industrial properties.
Tom Jordan, P.G.
Supervising Geologist/Geophysicist
Dr. Jordan specializes in geophysics, groundwater flow modeling, interpretation of subsurface geologic provinces, and exploration and development of groundwater resources. Dr. Jordan has managed projects and been the technical lead on projects regulated by RCRA, CERCLA and state programs. He has particular expertise in understanding Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPL) in various geologic formations. Dr. Jordan is also an adjunct professor at Youngstown State University.
Greg Banner, P.E.
Supervising Engineer & Site Development
Mr. Banner is a Senior Project Manager for KEY’s Site Development practice. His project experience covers both Greenfield and Brownfield sites. Currently, Mr. Banner is part of the project team for the largest Brownfield project site in the New York City/New Jersey area. This site will accept over 6 million cubic yards of fill for placement and eventually provide over 1000 acres of waterfront development.
Andrew Franze, P.G.
Senior Geologist
Mr. Franze earned a Master’s Degree studying Geochemistry at Wright State University in 2015. He previously worked in a remediation research and development laboratory that focused on chlorinated solvent remediation technologies. Since joining KEY, Andrew has been involved in a variety of site characterization and remediation projects. His primary expertise is related to hydrogeologic assessments, groundwater remediation technologies, monitored natural attenuation, groundwater modeling, and statistical analyses.
Vamsee Veera, P.E.
Project Manager
Mr. Veera has over 15 years of experience in civil engineering, environmental investigation and remediation services. His responsibilities have included planning and directing soil, surface water, and groundwater investigation/remediation for environmental projects and oversight of brownfield remediation projects in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. Mr. Veera has managed projects requiring mitigation of wetlands, impacted sediments, soils, and groundwater. Mr. Veera manages KEY's New Jersey office.
Karl Churman
Senior Project Manager & Business Development
Mr. Churman has over 30 years of diversified environmental experience covering engineering, construction, field services, and waste disposal. He has managed several large projects for metals impacted sites for the steel, chemical, and other manufacturing operations. Mr. Churman provides KEY with extensive knowledge on the hazardous waste treatment industry, including logistics, regulations, and compliance.
Christine Walton
Health & Safety Manager
Ms. Walton is the Health and Safety Manager supporting both KEY and FTS. Her experience includes 13 years of oil and gas and 15 years of manufacturing focusing on OSHA, EPA and DOT compliance. This has included safety and health program development, safety training and new employee onboarding, risk assessments, contractor safety management, conducting contractor assessments, leading indicator focus, safety observation/near miss submission review system, developing key performance indicators (KPI’s) and incident investigation and review.
Adam Rak, G.I.T.
Project Geologist
Mr. Rak is a Project Geologist, His expertise include structural/petroleum geology, hydrology, log/core analysis and database integration. This has allowed Adam to work on projects nationwide. His experience comes from working on structural geology mapping, research on various power plants, steel mills, wood treatment facilities and structural geology mapping, modeling and analysis. Adam holds a M.S. (University of Pittsburgh) in Structural Geology, and B.S. (Slippery Rock University) in Geology.
Paula Acre, E.I.T.
Project Engineer
Ms. Acre has over 10 years of experience providing civil design, design selection, permitting and construction oversight. Ms. Acre has provided engineering and design for projects involving stabilization, containment and removal. She also has worked on projects for site development, stormwater permitting and design, and construction quality assurance (CQA).
Connor Thuman
Staff Scientist
Mr. Thuman comes to KEY from the University of Rhode Island, where he received his Bachelor’s degree in Aquaculture and Fisheries Sciences. Connor has administered many projects under CERCLA and RCRA guidelines, as well as state brownfields and municipal waste programs. Along the upper east coast Connor has worked on residential and commercial site remediation along with Phase I & II site assessments.
Logan Bayer
Staff Engineer
Mr. Bayer is a recent graduate from The Pennsylvania State University and was raised in Washington County. Mr. Bayer has been working on slope stability analyses, AutoCAD modeling, and analyzing data calculations on a slurry wall relocation.
Dale Foster
Managing Partner & Chemical Engineer
Mr. Foster provides technical leadership on the treatment and management of groundwater, soil, and other contaminated media. Mr. Foster, a hands-on solutions-oriented chemical engineer, is expert in all aspects of remediation. He has experience with providing options for handling waste by-products in a variety of cost-effective ways. He has also designed retrofit or replacement systems for existing treatment systems that have dramatically reduced maintenance and long-term operations costs.
Bert Hubbard, P.E.
Chemical Engineer & Senior Technical Manager
Mr. Hubbard has over 30 years of experience in investigation and remediation of soil and groundwater contamination. He has performed Fate and Transport modeling, geostatistical analysis, and human health and ecological risk assessments. Mr. Hubbard has also designed and implemented projects for groundwater remediation, soil excavation, and waste management.
Mark Lahr, P.E.
Senior Project Engineer
Mr. Lahr has expertise in remedial design specializing in soil / cement bentonite barrier walls, in-situ stabilization of soils and wastes, in-situ treatment of groundwater, groundwater recovery systems, Dense Non Aqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL) recovery wells, trenches, and shallow sumps, soil excavation, RCRA surface impoundment closure, sediment removal/dewatering/disposal, riverbank reconstruction and armoring. He has worked on Sustainable Habitat closure projects for Coal Combustion Residue (CCR) sites.
Brian Dummer, P.E.
Senior Project Manager
Mr. Dummer comes to KEY from Noble Energy, where he was involved in water management planning, including sourcing, conveyance, and storage of fresh and produced water. Brian works with Oil and Gas clients on projects related to siting design, permitting, water management, and other related services. Brian also has extensive experience with site development, civil design, and construction projects including the transit oriented developments for the CityCenter Englewood and the Arista Broomfield in Colorado.
Tracey Smith, P.G.
Project Geologist II
Mr. Smith is a graduate of Bucknell University, where he studied Geology. With over five years’ experience, he has administered numerous environmental projects (under CERCLA and RCRA regulations), oversight of hydrogeologic and geotechnical investigations along with developing work plans / proposals. Mr. Smith has worked on projects nationwide from Colorado to New Hampshire.
Kelly Kobistek
Administrative & Financial Manager
Mrs. Kobistek, with over 24+ years at KEY, was instrumental in the growth of the company providing guidance for accounting and human resources. With an MBA from Robert Morris University, her expertise has allowed the company to transition from a small 5 person firm to the multi-office multi-affiliate KEY of today.
Julia Hagy
Project Management Administrator
Ms. Hagy supports the management of contract documents and project cost controls for KEY. With a keen eye for the details, she assists the project managers in achieving the business expectations necessary for long-term relationships with our clients.
Nizette Consolazio
Project Engineer I
Ms. Consolazio has experience investigating the fate and transport of chemical contaminants, assessing treatment technologies, and evaluating the impact of contaminants of emerging concern. Ms. Consolazio has performed human health and ecological risk assessments (under federal and state guidance), and has provided engineering insight for the development of sampling and analysis plans and remedial action work plans. requirements.
Mark Keck
Project Engineer II
Mr. Keck has five years of experience in a broad range of civil design and environmental remediation projects as well as geotechnical experience. Mr. Keck has completed various environmental media investigations, field construction oversite projects, and has been involved in the design and permitting of multiple landfills and impoundment closures. Mr. Keck is an Environmental Systems Engineering graduate from The Pennsylvania State University.
Justin DiBenedetto
Staff Engineer
Mr. DiBenedetto is a graduate of Rutgers University where he received his Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering. With over three years of experience Mr. DiBenedetto has worked on various projects including field implementation of construction quality assurance, environmental monitoring, brownfield development and Phase I & II site assessments.
Emily Davis
Staff Scientist
Ms. Davis recently graduated from Kean University with a degree in Earth and Environmental Science. Her internship experiences introduced her to sampling, sustainability, waste management, and hazardous material disposal. She is providing technical support to projects in the NY/NJ region.